Dr. Sandhya R. Anvekar Visits Sahyadri College of Engineering & Management

Dr. Sandhya R. Anvekar Visits Sahyadri College of Engineering & Management

Dr. Sandhya R. Anvekar,Dr.Sandhya R. has a accountProgram Head: Skilling, KITS, Dept. of Electronics, IT, BT, Science & Technology, Government of Karnataka  Visited Sahyadri College of Engineering & Management  Mangaluru for Inspection of NAIN (New Age Innovation Center) and she appreciated the infrastructure and facilities provided by the Institution to support Innovation and Entrepreneurship.

The Sahyadri Hosts New Age Innovation Network Supported by Government of Karnataka. The Center is focused on creating Community Centric Innovations for the Region by focusing on solving the problem various sectors such as education, Health, Agriculture sectors in the Region.

The Highlights of Sahyadri NAIN Center are

Ø  Total of Rs 1cr 20 Lakhs has been sanctioned for Sahyadri College to Establish the NAIN Center for development of Project ideas to Prototype.

Ø  Total 10 LLP’s have been established from NAIN Projects.

Ø  4 Startups have won Funding of Rs.1.05Crores from Elevate an Initiative by Government of Karnataka

Dr. Sandhya also appreciated the facilities provided by the institution for the students to develop products such as CNC Machine, 3D Printing and Laser Cutting facility and Rapid prototyping labs.

The mentors assigned to the students help them to formulate a Business Model based on this new technology and encourage them to think like entrepreneurs.

The Principal of Sahyadri College Dr. Rajesha S, District Innovation Associate Mr. Gousekhan and College Coordinator Mr. Prashanth Duddela were present at the time Dr. Sandhya Anvekars Visit to the Institutions NAIN center.

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